Saturday, March 12, 2011

The world's worst nuclear accidents

The world's worst nuclear accidentslatest news update,The world's worst nuclear accidents;Japan said on Saturday that an ageing nuclear plant may be in meltdown after a huge quake and monster tsunami ravaged a large area of the northeast, leaving more than 1,000 people feared dead. Japan, which has experienced the only two deadly nuclear accidents since Chernobyl, faces atomic crisis aft
er the cooling systems failed in reactors at two plants,The world's worst nuclear accidents forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of homes.
Following is a list of the world's worst nuclear accidents in the past quarter of a century:
- March 28, 1979: 140,000 people are evacuated after an accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, United States. The reactor's core suffers partial meltdown, causing contamination within the plant but none outside. There are no casualties. The accident registers five on the International Atomic Energy Agency's seven-point scale of nuclear accidents.The world's worst nuclear accidents


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