Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area

Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington areaBarrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington areaLatest news update about;Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area;Washington Post Staff WriterWednesday, January 26, 2011; 4:52 PM
Weather radar shows every color of the winter rainbow as bands of rain, sleet and snow close in on the Washington region Wednesday afternoon, sending almost everyone - including the federal government - scampering home early in the face of warnings of up to 10 inches of snow. What could be a relative trifle compared to last year's blizzards loomed ugly in the middle of this comparatively tranquil winter. And the process of shutting down,Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area hurrying people home and preparing to keep roads open has consumed much of the day.
Quitting time for federal workers came two hours early, but midday traffic suggested some were departing even earlier, and with most of the region's schools already closed, some people never made it to work at all.Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area


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